Tuesday, November 13

Assorted Mush

I'm fuzzy about a thing or two,
but I don't need a corner to hide.

Soon I'll visit the place my questions disappear to.
Then I won't be so blurry inside.

The foulness of an open drench,and the reeking garbage I can face.
I'm okay with the familiar stench, it is better than the smells I can't place.

A flood of thoughts around me,Inviting me to take a plunge.
I see ,hear and observe,Happy ,just to be a big sponge.

It's out there ,almost attainable,I need to allow life to take a new turn.
But with me it's inevitable,Soon I'll go ahead and fall into the same pattern.

Every quality exists in us ,they say.'Choosing among them is up to you.'
But my mind switches so quickly among them, Giving me a heads up is the least it can do.

Friday, January 6

There once was a time

There once was a time when power cuts at night acted like catalysts triggering bonding sessions with the family , welcomed every once in a while.It was a common tradition in our house to sit around the candle light listening to tales of Mahabharatha and Ramayana narrated by ajji or sit in the balcony overlooking the temple with cool breeze on our faces and songs on our lips. We were content just to look at the night sky, hanging out as a family.Soon it became an event to look forward to.Now with the UPS joining as an extended member of the family, power cuts are hardly noticeable let alone exciting.The lights continue to burn while the candles rot away in the drawers.

There once was a time when going to the movies thrilled us not because it was rare but because it meant more than ten people clearing their schedule to spend some quality time together. A large bag containing all types of goodies would be smuggled into the theater.the most unbelievable part ,of course, was that not a single phone would be used by any of us.. even during interval.RDB, aptamitra ,jackie,angels and demons, lifu ishtene are some of the movies I shall forever remember not because of the content but because of the company I had. Now it's been reduced to checking out a movie just because one's bored!Bah!

There once was a time when shopping , especially for clothes, was done solely during the festivals .i'm glad to say that the celebrations of festivals themselves haven't altered much in our house except for the 'acchu' preparation during 'sankranti'.This being said we are slowly losing the spirit that drove us crazy with excitement during these festivals. Nothing huge has altered ,the food is just as delicious, the decorations just as merry and the mantras just as soothing and clear but something seems amiss. 'The key to re create the magic is to continue the tradition without fail, every year, for ages to come' my mother says. I sure hope she's right.

There once was a time when ''who's up for a game of 'lock and key' or 'pillar to pillar' would be met with the same excitement as playing 'road rash' or 'hocus pocus'.We were not ready to trade an hour spent playing outdoor games to an extra hour of computer games.there was a perfect balance.It was a time when buying 'Bangalore' in 'The Business' gave you actual pride and teaming up for carrom was considered quite a serious affair. Even 'passing the message' was hilarious.
Now with people getting entangled the 'web' literally, spending hours together in solitary existence, gone is the hearty laughter only to be replaced by splitting headaches.

I was so lucky to have been born in the '90s .We truly did have the best of both worlds in our childhood.

Let's make sure that kids born in the 21st century need not solely depend on technological simulation for fun...with a word or two thrown in smugly about the good old days, of course!

Avoid the void

A scrawny little girl with her over sized bag steps on a lady's foot.It's a wonder she's still alive after the glare the latter gave her.It could have burnt anyone to ashes.A group of teenagers are talking endlessly in a corner.People around me are holding onto handles, bars even as the bus gives a jerk throwing me off balance.I mumble sheepish apologies to the people I just bumped into, plug my earphones back on and wish for a millionth time that I had a better sense of direction or driving skills.
Voila! a typical scene in a Bmtc bus. Soon, the frustration ebbed away as the soothing tune of 'the scientist'engulfed me.As the bus came to a halt in the next stop I noticed a sparrow like old lady climb in with an obvious hesitant air around her.She looked so fragile that even a slightly strong blown breeze would be enough to crumble her.She tried to hold on to one of the handles but it seemed like she was fighting a losing battle.Her struggle merely brought about indifferent glances from the haughty people seated. This made me think ..'How can the world be so hypocritical as to teach 'empathy' in classrooms and practise only unconcern in reality?It seems as if a terrible sci-fi plot of turning humans into robots has been activated. Soon all emotion would be wiped about and replaced only by indifference.An unpleasant scenario without doubt!
The only way to combat it would be to shake off the inertiatic unconcern and start 'FEELINg'.It shouldn't be hard considering that the only ammonition required is 'THE HUMAN HEART' figuratively :)