Tuesday, November 13

Assorted Mush

I'm fuzzy about a thing or two,
but I don't need a corner to hide.

Soon I'll visit the place my questions disappear to.
Then I won't be so blurry inside.

The foulness of an open drench,and the reeking garbage I can face.
I'm okay with the familiar stench, it is better than the smells I can't place.

A flood of thoughts around me,Inviting me to take a plunge.
I see ,hear and observe,Happy ,just to be a big sponge.

It's out there ,almost attainable,I need to allow life to take a new turn.
But with me it's inevitable,Soon I'll go ahead and fall into the same pattern.

Every quality exists in us ,they say.'Choosing among them is up to you.'
But my mind switches so quickly among them, Giving me a heads up is the least it can do.

1 comment:

  1. Defining yourself so well! :) sounds so much like u..am glad u realise but sad u dnt do anythin abt it!
