Saturday, December 10

PEDO [no bhargz.. not in the way you imagine:P]

I adore kids. Infants. Toddlers. Screamy ones. Noisy ones. But especially the wide eyed cherubic ones.

I'd relive an entire day spent with my cousins Adya and Atreya without a second thought. They might be tricky little rugrats, plotting to get their own way through any means possible but that doesn't stop me from falling for their charms. Every single time.I cannot help but smile :)
  • When Athreya says 'aawt duma seeTi baja', 'bunshooki','pleeju','loyal manoon thorpio' in an incredibly cute voice,when he feeds me a fistful of Alu bhujia before he eats saying 'neenu tinnu yummy na?' 
  • When he sings'God's love is so wonderful!' making us have perfect faith in those words at an instant. 
  • When he does a perfect imitation of quagmire's 'gigady gigady' or puts his stomach forward saying' hotte dummanna'. 
  • The way his eyes sparkle the moment any vehicle passes by and goes into on spot recognition mode. 
  • When he says the 'wrong' moral of the story to annoy his mom. 
  • When he beats the crap out of anyone who tries to annoy girls! Espeacially Bhargi ..What chivalry! 
  • When he yells Hi-Fi and holds his palm high ..! 
When he does ANYthing ..PERIOD!!
On the other hand Femme Fatale Adya makes me smile when 
  • she puts her tiny fingers on the touch screen jumping from one photo to another 
  • she tilts her heads completely when you say 'katthu' and gives a semi toothless smile. 
  • clutches accessories with a surprisingly strong grip and refuses to let go. 
  • she grunts at you with a scrunched up face when she's annoyed. 
  • she gives a vocal performance every time she catches hold of a tiny thread. 
  • hums along 'what the hell' with a full fledged dance. 
  • walks around in the walker with super speed button turned on. 
  • does 'illa' whenever anything disappears. 
  • looks at everyone asking for re assurance during the time gap between the ending of a rhyme and starting of another. 
  • does 'ram ram seetaram' ,'haligondu kasu','super','thaiya thaiy' and says hoova in a cute little voice and a perfect manner 
When she does ANYthing..PERIOD!!

Kids are the only source of true joy and the only hope to re kindle our innocence. Here's to viewing life in innovative ways through the eyes of little angels! CHeerS!!

Sunday, September 18

three marshmallows please - no more no less

She is awake but draws the rug closer shrinking under it.Ten prolonged minutes of extended slumber is beyond awesome.Undoubtedly.She drags herself to the shower humming the first tune that pops into her head which will most likely be stuck in her head for the rest of the day.The urge to watch the antics of gloria or sheldon cooper can't be ignored now and tv blinkx is sought out.Soon her mom beckons her to leave.

The next thirty minutes are spent in trying to learn the route to college,in vain.As she steps into the campus,the recurring biter sweet feeling envelops her.She wonders why nervousness is still the most prominent feeling she can sense even after three months of college.This is followed by small talk which sometimes requires a teensy bit of effort.Social etiquette is something everyone should have the liberty to ignore now and then but you can't have your way all the time.

The window seat in the corner overlooking the lovely green tree offers some solitude.The next few hours are spent in sheer delight as her classes still haven't stopped thrilling her.The heavenly combo of lunch and literature puts her in an awfully chirpy mood.She feels overflowing love for her pals which is displayed in the afternoon session either through attempts at humour or speaking hindi which are basically the same in her case.

She now hopes the certificate course class is cancelled which is highly unlikely but roshni's parathas offer some comfort.So another two hours of principles of education which is not awful in itself but can be a test of endurance at that time of the day.vada pav or doughnuts at 6 p.m is undoubtedly the best part of the day so far.One and a half an hour of contemplation and coldplay and she's back home.
Home-atlast. Exhaustion.A heart to heart session with her mom,wordplay with her brother and gobbling the snacks her dad bought results in a HUGE GRIN.Geez time for Master chef already..there is something about Masterchef that makes her eyes twinkle and her world seem perfect.
A huge yawn now directs her to at minimum speed check.cozy reliable blanket check.hint of smile on the face check check check=)

Yes it is not bad at all to lead your life like henry the penguin. Sticking to the routine may not be thrilling but the fact that it gives you contentment can't be denied.What more can anyone want?

Tuesday, July 5

March on Christite..

Life in a university is a process of evolution for some, self discovery for others but to me it still is an overwhelming requires you to be in many places at once and a static person like myself wouldn't exactly 'jump' at the idea ..literally!

The university is not the place for you if one of these thoughts frequently crosses your mind

a) Why don't people around me magically disappear so that I can finally be left alone?

b) 'The cafeteria seems to be shifting geographically every day..why do i keep asking for directions?' even after one week of college..:-P

c) 'Annoying breeze! spoils my hairdo everyday!:-x

d) 'Why can't my phone ever be in silent mode during classes?gosh oh gosh!:-D'

e) 'Why is there a mammoth crowd every time I have to make a purchase in ANY of the stalls?'

f) 'Why am I constantly surrounded by indifferent apathetic faces ?:-O'

On the other hand The University is the best place on The Earth if the thoughts invading your mind are one or more of the ones listed below
a) 'I could talk to any person on any random topic in the world'

b) 'Ooh I'm always overflowing with flirtatious energy :-P'

c) 'MY CAMPUS is God's own city, not Kerala;)'

d) 'Staring at people gives me inexplicable joy':-P
f) 'Our college is a foodie's paradise:)'

It's a matter of perspective after all..three years of college can turn you into 'hermione with the time turner' or 'calvin the philosophical genius' or even 'jughead-The ultimate glutton'.

Whatever you turn out to be it's important to LIVE ,suck it up and HAVE A BLAST!! cheers:-D

Sunday, May 15

Turning eighteen

May 14th 2011 - When i woke up today,I expected to feel ,if not a burst of exhilaration, at least a trickle of joy. But all i could sense was hollow emptiness bordered with nostalgia. Fleeting glimpses of my fantabulous(for the lack of a better word) childhood passed through my head.Will i ever surround myself with oodles of barbies(bewitched by the golden hair)and lose track of time? Can i fritter away countless number of hours in the children's section, transporting myself to the monopolizing world of Malory towers or Hogwarts ever again? Should i suppress a shriek or turn a deep shade of red when a high pitched giggle escapes my mouth on meeting a long lost friend at the mall? Is it still OK to barge into my parents' room and cuddle up between them when the hallucinations(?!) about deadly roaches haunt me in the wee hours? May i cling to every embossed memory of free flowing adulation received from my loved ones? The 'child' in me has risen, mightier than before,petrified that 'it' might be abandoned FOREVER.

So what does "turning eighteen" signify? Sure I want to "grow"(not an inch taller making eye contact with people without bending my neck isn't hard enough already!)maybe the word evolve would be better..yeah 'evolve' into a serious, mature,level headed being but does that mean i have to don the air of someone who is prim and proper, shedding some of my child like ingenuity?Will I officially be bestowed with the aura of womanhood?(bah! don't like the way it sounds:P) Maybe all the adjectives describing a fine lady will embed themselves in my personality, unconsciously of course;)..I'm terrified of the transition..I would rather be suspended in between..just left hanging in mid air..deliriously obtaining the best of both worlds..seeking solace in my comfort zone,oblivious to the surroundings.Maybe this is cowardice..a convenient escape from reality..but its perfect..FOR NOW :)